What is Ujjayi Pranayama? What are the Steps, Benefits?
Overview Ujjayi Pranayama Technique is one of the eight major types of Pranayama. It is a simple breath control technique that is very easy to practice,…
The Online Resource of Yoga
Overview Ujjayi Pranayama Technique is one of the eight major types of Pranayama. It is a simple breath control technique that is very easy to practice,…
What is Nadi Shuddhi or Nadi Shodhana Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing? Nadi Shuddhi or Nadi Shodhana Pranayama is the basic breath control technique. In English,…
Pancha Kosha means five sheaths. In yoga and spirituality, the human body is viewed from two angles: three-fold bodies and five-fold sheaths. In Sanskrit, it is…
The knowledge of Prana and Nadis in Yoga helps to understand the basics of Pranayama. Nadis play a vital role in the practice of Shatkarma, Mudras,…
The benefits of Pranayama are many as claimed by yoga texts and classical yoga Gurus. Do Science and research accept these claims? What are the benefits…
Introduction Pranayama in yoga is the fourth limb of eight-fold Raja Yoga. It is often spelled as Pranayam. Only after attaining Asana Siddhi (Mastery in Yoga…
Introduction I Salute that Prana, the form of time and immortality, the lord of mind which volitionally dwells in the physical body, the abode of Brahma,…