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Tadasana is a simple basic level standing yoga pose. It is also a base yoga position upon which many other standing yoga postures are performed.

Surya Namaskar starts and ends with Tadasana. Likewise, this pose is one of the asanas of Shankhaprakshalana, a dynamic sequence of yoga poses similar to Sun Salutation.

Being the part of many yoga poses, this yoga pose becomes one of the important yoga poses.

Tadasana Meaning

The term Tadasana is the combination of two Sanskrit words Tada and Asana. Tada means a mountain and Asana means a yoga posture. Hence, in English, we call it as Mountain Pose.

However, Parvatasana is also called Mountain Pose. Therefore, one may get easily confused to identify the pose with the name Mountain Pose. To avoid such confusion, we may call this pose as Palm Tree Pose and Parvatasana as Mountain Pose.

Moreover, this pose is a standing yoga position that looks similar to a palm tree.

Tadasana Information

Pose NameTadasana
English NameMountain Pose
Palm Tree Pose
Difficulty LevelBasic
TypeStanding Yoga Pose

Tadasana Practice Procedure

Safety And Precautions

It is pretty simple and easy to perform. Hence there is no risk that requires any measure for safety and precautions. However, pregnant ladies should avoid this posture since there is a risk of loosing balance.

In case, any pregnant lady wants to get the benefits of this posture, she may take this practice uunder competent supervision during the first two trimsters. Still, she should avoid during her third trimster.

Preparatory Poses

This, being one of the simplest yoga postures, requires no preparatory poses.

Tadasana Steps

Step 1

Stand with the feet together keeping a distance of one foot in between. Keep the arms by the sides of the body. Take a couple of deep breaths.

Step 2

Inhale and raise the arms and keep at the shoulder level. Interlock the fingers and turn the palms against the body and exhale.

Step 3

Then inhale and raise the arms above the head with palms facing upward. Now your arms, head, trunk, and legs are on the same line. Breathe Normally.

Step 4

Then, inhale and raise the heels and stand on the soles and toes. Tilt the head a little backward and fix your eye sight on the backside of the fingers. Breathe normally and keep the position as long as it is comfortable.


The final position of the pose may be ratained for one to five minutes. Alternatively, one may repeat the Step 4 for four to five rounds with smaller duration, say one minute.

Follow Up Poses

There is no specific pose for after the performance of this one. However, almost every standing yoga position starts with this posture. Moreover, Palm Tree Pose is followed by any inverted Asanas.

Tadasana Benefits

  1. Palm Tree Pose helps develop physical as well as mental balance.
  2. It stretches the entire spine and helps the stimulate the Nervous System.
  3. This posture stretches the abdomen muscles and nerves and hence it is helpful for pregnant ladies at their first and second trimster.
  4. Palm Tree Pose is good for hunch back.
  5. It helps to increase the height.
  6. This pose strenthens the toes and soles.
  7. It tones up the muscles of the arms and legs.
  8. Tadasana is good for post-menopausal syndrome.

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