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Khechari Mudra


The practice of Khechari Mudra in hatha yoga entails rolling the tongue back and inserting it into the nasal passage. This practice is highly regarded in traditional yoga texts and should not be dismissed as mere anecdotes or subjective experiences. While our implementation of Hatha Yoga primarily emphasizes the physical aspect, we often hear there are occasional exceptional encounters As a result, individual experiences may vary depending on one’s level of commitment and expertise in the discipline. Similarly, the benefits of this practice may also differ. In this article, we discuss some potential benefits of practicing Khechari Mudra.

Benefits of Khecahri Mudra

Activates Energy Centers

Khechari Mudra can activate and balance the energy centers, also known as chakras, in the body. According to the principles of yoga philosophy, this mudra specifically targets the Vishuddha (throat) and Ajna (third eye) chakras. The activation of these chakras promotes spiritual development and Self-Realization.

Stimulates the Endocrine System

Practitioners propose that the practice of Khechari Mudra has the potential to activate the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, which play a crucial role in the endocrine system. This activation has a positive impact on hormone production and overall balance within the body.

Enhances Concentration and Meditation

Khechari Mudra has a calming effect on the mind and improves focus, thereby facilitating the attainment of deeper levels of meditation. By redirecting both energy and attention inward, this practice can assist in cultivating mindfulness and inner awareness.

Improves Inner Peace

Khechari Mudra promotes inner peace by activating specific energy centers> This calms the mind, and fosters a deeper connection with one’s inner self through heightened awareness and focus. This heightened state of mindfulness and inner harmony can help individuals let go of stress, worries, and distractions, cultivating a sense of peace.

Promotes Longevity

Khechari Mudra, as mentioned in ancient yogic texts, is occasionally linked to the achievement of long life and even immortality. Although these assertions may appear implausible, the practice is thought to enhance general well-being and energy levels when incorporated into a comprehensive way of life.

Improves Digestion

There are assertions that the practice has the potential to enhance digestion by stimulating the vagus nerve and promoting increased blood circulation to the abdominal organs. This could potentially assist in preventing or relieving digestive problems like indigestion, bloating, and constipation.

Balances Energy Flow

By altering the course of prana (the vital energy of life) within the physical body, it harmonizes the Ida and Pingala nadis (energy pathways) and stimulates the central channel known as Sushumna. This equilibrium in the energy flow can enhance a feeling of tranquility and overall wellness.

Benefits as per Ancient Texts

According to Gheranda Samhita, because of this practice, there is neither fainting, hunger, thunder, nor laziness. Also, no disease would come to the practitioner. Furthermore, there is no decay or death. And the body becomes divine. The text further states that the fire cannot burn the body. Likewise, the air can not dry the body and the water cannot wet it. Even the snakes cannot bite. Similarly, the body becomes beautiful. The practitioner attains Samadhi very easily. Because of the tongue touching the holes, it drinks nectar.

Yoga Kundalini Upanishad vividly explains the Khechari Mudra benefits. It states that the practice cures old age and death.


According to ancient yoga texts, the benefits of Khechari Mudra are many. Still, only a few yoga traditions include this Mudra in their practice routine. This is because of the complexity of the steps for Khechari Mudra. Hence, it is crucial to exercise caution and seek guidance from a knowledgeable instructor when engaging in the practice.

Furthermore, contemporary yoga focuses primarily on the physical advantages of this Mudra, disregarding its original purpose of spiritual advancement. This shift in perspective prompts the question: Is Khechari Mudra still applicable in today’s world? From my standpoint, it is not, as one should have a specific goal in mind when engaging in any practice. Often, the intended objective of the practice and the purpose behind its creation do not align. Consequently, one may question the usefulness of such a practice, if not he is a spiritual seeker.

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