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Bindu Visarga

Bindu Visarga refers to the activity of the elixir dripping from the psychic center, Soma Chakra which is known as the Lunar Psychic Center. Some people call it Bindu Chakra. The exact location of the Psychic Center is at the backside of the head behind the center of the eyebrows. Soma means the Moon, the deity of nectar. Soma also means nectar.

In the yogic mythology, the elixir is always dripping from the Soma Chakra. It is consumed in the solar psychic center at the navel. This wastage of elixir or nectar causes old age and death. Hence, to arrest old age and death, the activity of the dripping should be stopped.

Let us explore this in detail.

What is Bindu and What is Bindu Visarga?

The Sanskrit word Bindu means a point or a drop. Likewise, the term Visarga means to drip or to fall in drops. So, Bindu Visarga means the activity of the nectar that oozes from the Soma Chakra. Some people call the Soma Chakra itself the Bindu Visarga.

Bindu also means semen, the creative energy. In Yoga and Ayurveda, its loss also brings old age and death. To arrest old age and death, one should conserve Bindu.

Besides, if you meditate on the Lunar Psychic Center, You start hearing the psychic sounds. This is because of the manifestation of Nada, the sound form of the Bindu. Yoga that relates to this is Nada Yoga.

Cosmos begins out of Bindu and it will settle again in it. If it is with Ether where we could identify it with sound, it is Nada. Om is the starting point of the cosmos. When it is not with the sound, it is Bindu.

Bindu occupies a great place in Yogic texts. Out of twenty Yoga Upanishads, four texts contain the word Bindu in their name. It shows its importance in the concepts of yogic terminology.

Dhyana Bindu Upanishad

Bindu is of two kinds. One is white and the other is Red. The white one is called Sukla. Sukla is semen. The red one is the Rajas. Rajas stay in yoni (genitals) and resemble a coral tree. The seat of the moon is placed in the mid-way between the Ajna Chakra and Sahasrara chakra. The Sukla is in the seat of the moon.

Sukla is Siva and Rajas is Sakthi. Sukla is the Moon and Rajas is the Sun. The merger of the two is rarely attained. If Sakthi is roused by the Vayu and is united with the Siva, the body will become divine. He who knows to mingle these two Bindus is the real knower of yoga.

Dhyana Bindu Upanishad

Yoga Practices that Stop Bindu Visarka Dripping

Three yoga practices stop the dripping of elixir from the Soma Chakra.

Jalandhara Bandha

Jalandhara Bandha translates to Throat Lock in English. The Sanskrit word also suggests the meaning ‘the lock for down dripping liquid‘. In advanced Hatha Practices, the throat lock is applied along with Kechari Mudra to activate the Kundalini.

Viparita Karani Mudra

Because of its inverted position, this practice stops the downward dripping of the nectar. Head Stand, Shoulder Stand, or any inverted yoga pose can do this. However, it is not practical to perform the inverted positions for a longer duration. Only advanced Yogis can do this as a Mudra.

Kechari Mudra

As per Yoga texts, this is a powerful practice to stop the downward dripping of elixir. This practice not only stops it but also allows the performer to taste the nectar which drives away old age and death. However, the mastery of this practice requires hard work. Moreover, it is hard to find a real yogi who can teach this.


The concept of Bindu and Bindu Visarga is an important yogic concept that requires a lot of explanation and understanding. In this brief introduction, I have mentioned three Hatha Yoga practices. Except for throat lock, the rest of the practices should be learned from an experienced yoga teacher.

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