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Pawanmuktasana or Pavanmuktasana is one of the familiar modern yoga postures. Medieval Hatha Yoga Texts didn’t mention any yoga posture by this name. Hence it is a newer one. However, it is a traditional practice.

This posture was first mentioned in the Yoga Manual (Ref: 1) of Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, Bihar, India. They put forth a group of yoga postures by the name Pawanmuktasana Series. It is not a single yoga posture. Rather it is a group of yoga postures. It comprises three subgroups. They are

  • Antirheumatic Group
  • Digestive or Abdominal Group
  • Shakti Bandha Asana Group.

The second group comprises eight yoga postures. Of which, Supta Pawanmuktasana is one. This posture is found in the traditional practice of others like Bikram Yoga as Pawanmuktasana.

Now, let us take this posture for our discussion.

Pawanmuktasana Information

Pose NamePawanmuktasana or
Sanskrit Nameपवनमुक्तासन
Name in IASTpavanamuktāsana
English NameWind Release Pose
Gas Release Pose
TypeReclined Yoga Posture

Pawanmuktasana Meaning

In Sanskrit, Pawan means wind or gas. Mukta means Liberate. As everyone knows, Asana is a posture. Hence Pawanmuktasana means Wind Liberation Pose or Gas Relief Pose.

The practice of this posture removes the blockage of gas from the abdomen. It will aid in emptying the stomach. Therefore this posture is known as Wind Release Pose.

Pawanmuktasana step-by-step procedure

The practice routine includes safety measures, preparatory poses, steps, and follow-up poses.

Pawanmuktasana Safety and Precautions

As this practice involves external pressure on the abdominal region, Pregnant people should avoid this posture.

Besides, those who are suffering from Hernia, diarrhea, and diseases of the lower abdomen also should avoid this posture.

Similarly, those who are having conditions like sciatica, lower back conditions, blood pressure, and cardiac issues should take care of before attempting this practice.

In case of any doubt, one should have the advice of a physician.

Preparatory Poses

This posture is a basic one and very easy to perform. Therefore it requires no preparatory poses.

Pawanmuktasana Steps

Unlike other yoga postures, this posture is a dynamic one. In other words, it requires the repetition of the final position many times.

Step 1

Lie supine.

Step 2

After a couple of deep breaths, raise the right leg and bend the right knee. Clasp your over the shin just below the right knee and press it against the body. Then, holding your breath raise your head, and try to touch the knee. While doing this, it is important to keep the left leg straight on the floor.

Step 3

Keep the position as long as comfortable.

Step 4

Then slowly bring back the head to the floor, release the hands, and go back to the base position. While doing this, exhale slowly.

Step 5

Repeat the process 3 to 5 times with the right leg. Likewise, equally with left leg also. After that, repeat the same steps with both legs together.

Follow-up Poses

Any one of the following postures should be taken for practice after this performance.

Pawanmuktasana Benefits

  • The practice of this posture removes the blockage of air in the food track, especially in the lower abdomen area. It not only helps in removing the air but prevents the formation of new blockages. As a result, this posture is good for conditions like constipation and irregular bowel syndrome.
  • It strengthens the muscles of the lower back. Besides, it improves the joint flexibility of the spine and hips. As a result, it increases mobility and improves the inflammatory conditions of the joints. (Komathi Selvarajah and Kesavan Arumugam, 2017)
  • This posture improves the functions of organs inside the abdomen and aids digestion.
  • It massages the reproductive organs. It is said to help treat impotency.
  • This posture is good for menstrual issues.


  1. Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswathi. Yoga Publications Trust, Munger, Bihar, India. 1996.

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