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Bhujangasana is one of the Hatha Yoga Poses found mentioned in medieval Hatha Yoga Texts like Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita.

It is a follow-up posture for many forward-bending yoga postures. Hence, it became in modern yoga practice. It also serves as a resting pose in between the practice of two postures.

Let us have a look at its meaning, step-by-step procedure, and benefits.

Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana – Information

Pose NameBhujangasana
Name in Sanskritभुजङ्गासन
Name in IASTBhujaṅgāsana
English NameCobra Pose
Other NamesSarpasana
Serpent Pose
TypeReclined Back Bending
Cobra Pose Basic Information

Bhujangasana Meaning

Bhujangasana is a combination of two Sanskrit words: Bhujanga and Asana. Bhujanga means cobra or snake. Hence we call in English Cobra Pose. This posture when performed looks like a cobra with its hood raised. According to some Hatha Yoga Texts like Yoga Karnika. the other name of Bhujangasana is Sarpasana or Serpent Pose.

Bhujangasana Procedure

Precautions and Contraindications

Normally, Cobra Pose does not involve any risk. However, those who have lower back pain or spine injury or disorder should consult their physician before attempting this posture.

One should avoid this pose immediately after a meal. There must be a gap of at least three hours between a meal and the practice of this posture.

Also, one should avoid this posture during pregnancy and periods.

Similarly, people who have conditions like hernia or who have undergone surgery in the abdomen should avoid this posture.

Preparatory Poses

The performance of this posture is pretty easy and one can do this effortlessly. Those who have a tight back may find it difficult to get perfection in this posture. However, they will get mastery through routine practice.

Supported Cobra Pose is an easier version of Cobra Pose. This version serves as the preparatory pose for those who have difficulty in doing Cobra Pose. Supported Cobra Pose is also known as Spinx Pose. A similar version is used in Yin Yoga also.

The Crocodile Pose also serves as a preparatory pose for mastering the Cobra Pose.

Bhujangasana Steps

Step 1

Lie on your stomach. Bend your elbows fully and place your palms on the floor at shoulder level. Have a couple of normal breaths. Before going to the next step, exhale.

Step 2

By inhaling, bend your back raise your torso, and straighten your hands. Next, arch your neck and raise your head. Keep your eyesight in the upward direction.

Step 3

Keep your thighs, hips, and legs touching the floor. if you cannot straighten the hands fully, adjust your elbows to keep your arms with a little bend. Keep the position. Breathe normally. Before releasing the pose, inhale.

Step 4

By exhaling, bring down your torso and head to the position in Step 1. Have a couple of normal breathing.


Initially, the posture may be kept for a duration of one or two minutes and gradually it can be extended up to five minutes.

Follow Up Poses

The following poses are the counterposes for Cobra Pose.

Cobra Pose for beginners

If strain or pressure is experienced at your back or neck, adjust the elbow and neck or release the posture. By routine practice, increase the duration of posture.

Cobra Pose Variations

The following postures are variations that belong to the group Cobra Pose.

Advanced Pose Considerations

After getting mastery over Cobra Pose, one may consider the other variations in the same group.

Bhujangasana Benefits

  • It activates Kundalini. Besides this, this pose activates Muladhara, Svadhistana, Manipura, Anahata, and Visuddhi Chakras.
  • Moreover, the upper chest, shoulder joints, and Neck joints will open and they become more flexible.
  • Also, Cobra Pose helps in conditions like lower back pain and sciatica pain and improves spine health.
  • It stimulates the abdominal organs like the kidney, liver, and pancreas, and thereby their functions will improve.
  • This Pose tones up adrenal and thyroid glands and improves their functions.
  • Furthermore, the muscles around the stomach, spine, and lower back become more flexible.
  • It stimulates the ovary and uterus and prevents menstrual disorders and urinary tract disorders.
  • Also, it helps in the functioning of the lungs and prevents Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD).
  • This pose burns the extra belly fat. Hence, it helps in weight management. This pose increases the metabolic rate. And thereby it results in a decrease in blood glucose, cholesterol, nitrogen in urine, and an increase in blood protein. This helps in conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Cobra Pose improves digestion.
  • It drives stress and anxiety away. It provides relaxation and also the rest of the body and mind. By this, it helps in conditions like insomnia and High Blood Pressure.
  • Additionally, this pose strengthens the shoulders and arms.
  • Cobra Pose straightens the spine and helps in improving height.

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