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Tiryaka Bhujangasana


Tiryaka Bhujangasana or Swaying Yoga Pose is a part of Shankaprakshalana, a dynamic yoga sequence used for intestine cleansing. Also, it is spelled Tiryak Bhujangasana. It is a prone yoga pose similar to Cobra Pose. Unlike Cobra Pose, it is a dynamic yoga pose.

In this article, we discuss the meaning, steps, and benefits of the pose.

Tiryaka Bhujangasana Information

Pose NameTiryaka Bhujangasana
Sanskrit Nameतिर्यक भुजङ्गासन
IASTTiryaka Bhujaṅgāsana
English NameSwaying Cobra Pose
Difficulty LevelEasy
TypeProne Pose
GroupCobra Pose

Tiryaka Bhujangasana Meaning

The Sanskrit word Tiryaka means oblique and Bhujangasana means Cobra Pose. Hence, we call it Oblique Cobra Pose or Swaying Cobra Pose in English.

Tiryaka Bhujangasana Procedure

Precautions and Contraindications

Though it is a simple yoga pose that is easy to perform, individuals with the following health conditions should avoid the pose.

  • Hernia
  • Pregnancy
  • Lower Back issues

Preparatory Poses

This posture will be a cakewalk to those who have experience in the following poses.

Tiryaka Bhujangasana Steps

Step 1

First, lie on the stomach and separate the legs fifteen inches apart. Raise the heels up and keep the toes tucked under so that your legs rested on the balls of the feet.

Step 2

Then, place the palms of the hands flat on the floor. Ensure the palms are slightly wider to the sides of the shoulder. The fingers should be pointing forward and elbows should be closer to the sides of the body and point backward.

Step 3

Next, raise the head, neck, shoulders, and trunk by straightening the elbows. The navel should be close to the floor. Unlike Cobra Pose, the neck and head should not be bent backward. It should be facing forward.

Step 4

Now, twist the head followed by the upper trunk towards the left. Gaze over the left shoulder and look at the right heel. This is the final position and retain it for fifteen to twenty seconds.

Step 5

Then, release the twist and face forward. Repeat the steps on the other side. Next, lower the body to the floor. Place either of the cheeks on the floor and relax. This is one round.


For one round it will take two minutes. Perform at least five rounds.

Follow Up Poses

While performing as a stand-alone yoga pose, Makarasana or Shavasana may be performed subsequently. But in the case of the Shankaprakshalana series, the yogi should perform Udarakarshanasana.

Tiryaka Bhujangasana Benefits

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