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Hanumanasana is a modern yoga posture. Medieval yoga texts did not mention or describe this posture. Unlike Anjaneyasana, this one is an advanced yoga pose and we cannot master this practice overnight.

Let us have look into its meaning, steps, and benefits.

Hanumanasana Information

Pose NameHanumanasana
Sanskrit Nameहनुमानासन
English NameFront Split Pose
OriginModern Yoga
Difficulty LevelAdvanced
TypeSeated Yoga Pose

Hanumanasana Meaning

The giant leap of Lord Hanuman

Hanuman + Asana = Hanumanasana. Lord Hanuman is the Hindu God and the companion of Lord Rama. According to Ramayana, Hanuman made a giant leap to Srilanka from the shores of India. His posture during the leap was one leg stretched forward and the other leg stretched on the opposite side.

This yoga posture resembles the posture of Lord Hanuman in the air during the flight. Hence it gets this name. In English, we call it Front Split Pose. Some people call this Monkey Pose. However, I strongly condemn those who are calling like that. It hurts the feeling of a Hindu Believer who has a deep reverence towards Lord Hanuman.

Hanumanasana Procedure

Precautions and Contraindications

This posture is not for pregnant ladies. Moreover, the ladies should avoid this practice during the periods.

Furthermore, persons having health conditions like dislocated discs, hip issues, hernia, and lower spine diseases should also avoid this posture. Fatty persons should take care before attempting this practice.

Preparatory Poses

This being the advanced yoga posture, it requires time and dedication to get mastery. It requires two to four weeks of dedicated practice to get perfection in this yoga position. During initial stage of learning, the preparatory poses will come in handy.

The preparatory poses for Front Split Pose are as follows.

How To Do Hanumanasana Step By Step?

Step 1

Stand on the kneels. There should be a gap of 30 to 45 cms. Stretch the right leg forward and place it on the floor. Now the right leg is in the standing position while the other leg in kneeling position. In other words, you are in a half-kneeling position.

Step 2

Place the hands on either side on the floor. Slowly slide the right leg forward simultaneously moving the trunk little forward. This movement stretches the left leg also. This should be done gradually.

Step 3

Now lower the buttocks and stretch both legs further. In the final position, the pelvic floor muscles should touch the ground. Fix the eyesight on any object in front of you. After getting the balance, raise the arms over the head and place the palms together in Anjali Mudra. Breath normally. This is the final position. Retain the pose as long as you feel comfortable.

Step 4

To release the position, place the palms on the floor. Lift the buttock a little. Then bend the right knee and bring the right leg backward. Come back to the kneeling position.

Step 5

Repeat the above steps by changing the legs the other way around.


A beginner can retain the final position for 30 seconds or one minute. Advanced practitioner can extend the duration up to three to five minutes. However, one should remember that the time spent on the final position of one leg should be equal to time spent on final position of the other leg.

Follow Up Poses

Pascimottanasana is a very good counter-pose one can practice after this posture.

What are the Benefits of Hanumanasana?

The benefits of Hanumanasana are as follows.

  • It improves the flexibility of the hip joints, discs, and lower spine.
  • This pose enhances the blood circulation to the lower part of the body.
  • It is a very good posture to be considered after childbirth. This is because it perfects the body shape after childbirth.
  • It tones up the abdominal organs and good for their functions. Hence it prevents constipation and indigestion.
  • Also, it boosts the reproductive system.

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