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Samakonasana is a recently developed modern yoga posture. We could not find any mention in yoga texts. Despite the fact that it is a seated yoga posture, Bihar School of Yoga describes a different version of standing Pose. Possibly, the standing version of the pose might have been in practice traditionally. However, we discuss the seated version here in detail.

Apart from yoga, this exercise is performed in gymnastics, dance, skating, and swimming.

Samakonasana Information

Pose NameSamakonasana
Sanskrit Nameसमकोणासन
English NameEqual Angle Pose
Central Split Pose
Side Split Pose
TypeSeated Split

Samakonasana Meaning

It is the combination of two Sanskrit words: सम (sama) and कोणा (koṇā). Sama means equal. Koṇā means angle. Therefore it is called Equal Angle Pose. Sometimes, it gets the name Central Split Pose or Side Split Pose.

How to do Samakonsana?

Safety and Precautions

Pregnant ladies should avoid this posture. Moreover, persons having health conditions like sacral or lumbar issues, sciatica, knee injury also should take care before attempting this posture or perform under competent supervision.

If not properly done, the performer may experience acute pain in her hip joints or knee joints. Hence, one should take care and even if she experiences a slight pain, she should discontinue the practice.

Preparatory Poses

Since this being the advanced posture that involves the flexibility of the hips, the following hip openers will help to master Samakonasana.

  1. Sukhasana
  2. Balasana
  3. Gomukhasana
  4. Siddhasana
  5. Tirtali Asana
  6. Garudasana

Samagonasana steps

Step 1

Sit on Dandasana. Ensure that your torso, neck, and head are straight.

Step 2

Breathe Normally. Slowly stretch your legs to each side. In the beginning, it is not possible to make a full split. Don’t overstretch beyond your capacity. Stop splitting, if you feel pain or discomfort. Regular practice will help you have a full split.

Step 3

Now, place your hands on your knees. Close your eyes. Breathe Normally. You should not lean forward. Those who are beginners and could not make a full split may place their hands on the floor adjacent to the sides of the body until mastering the full split.

Step 4

Keep the position as long as it is comfortable.


Duration in the final position of thirty to sixty seconds is enough for a beginner. Gradually, the duration may be extended to three to five minutes.

Samakonasana Variation

According to Bihar Yoga School, Samakonasana is a different posture. It is a standing yoga posture. The upper part of the body is bent at the hips and positioning the hands and torso in a horizontal position. The legs are kept straight to make a right-angled triangle. The benefits of this variation are different from the full split since it is entirely a different one.

Samagoanasana Benefits

  1. The joints of hips, groin, and knee become more flexible and strengthened.
  2. It stimulates the nervous system. As a result, it drives away stress and anxiety.
  3. This posture stretches all the muscles of the thigh and improves their flexibility and strength.
  4. It tones up sacral and lumbar regions of the spine. Hence it is helpful in conditions like lower back pain and Sciatica.

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