Classic Yoga

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Amrita Nada Upanishad describes OM Meditation.

Om Meditation Steps

The step-by-step method of doing Om meditation is:    

  1. Select a place free from disturbances.  Spread a mat made up of Darbha or Kusa grass.
  2. Keep the mind free from any disturbances
  3. Facing north, assume any yoga posture for meditation like Padmasana, Swastikasana, Bhadrasana, or any other posture you can practice at ease.
  4. Mentally mutter ‘Om’
  5. Close a nostril with one finger, inspire through another nostril, and retain the breath to maintain Agni (fire) at Muladhara. Contemplate on the sound Om only.

One should practice this Om Meditation many times to get rid of the impurities. Also, he should perform this meditation traversing from the coarse to the delicate level beginning with the navel and upwards.

When practicing this yoga, you should close your eyes and keep your feet firm without shaking. By remaining without a tremor in the hollow stalk (viz., Susumna) alone is Dharana. It is 12 Matras in point of time or 48 seconds approximately.  

Prana and Pranava (OM)

The subtler state of Om never decays. For the reason that it has neither soft consonant, nor consonant, nor vowel, nor palatal, nor guttural, nor labial, nor nasal, nor semi-vowel, nor sibilant. Prana travels through the path through which Om goes. In other words, wherever the Pranava goes, Prana follows. Hence, it requires constant practice.


Then, the Upanishad mentions the impediments that the Yogi normally encounters. The yogi should avoid fear, anger, and sloth. He should not be too vigil or slumber. Likewise, he should not eat too much of food or fasting. These are seven impediments to yoga.

Benefits of OM Meditation  

The yogi who practices Om Meditation daily in this way attains the wisdom of Self in three months, sees Devas or Gods in four months, becomes Brahma Nista in five months, and gets enlightenment in six months without any doubt.

Sanskrit Text Reference

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