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Baddha Konasana is the modern name of ancient yoga pose Bhadrasana. The new name Baddha Konasana has become one of the most popular yoga poses. It is a posture for meditation. Moreover, cleansing practices like Agnisar Kriya are done in this posture.

Let us have look at its origin, brief history, meaning, steps for practice with tips, and more importantly its benefits.

Baddha Konasana Information

Pose NameBaddha Konasana (or)
Sanskrit Nameबद्ध कोणासन (or)
IASTBaddha koṇāsana (or)
English NameBound Angle Pose (or)
Throne Pose aka
Cobbler Pose
Classic Yoga Text
Difficulty LevelAdvanced
TypeMeditation Pose
Seated Pose

Baddha Konasana Meaning

The Sanskrit name Baddha Konasana is the combination of three words: Baddha, Kona, and Asana. Baddha means bound. Kona means angle and Asana is a pose. In this posture, the legs form an angle bound by the hands. Hence we call it Bound Angle Pose.

The other name Bhadrasana is the combination of two words: Bhadra and Asana. Bhadra means the throne. When perfectly performed, it looks like a throne. Hence, it is called as Throne Posture.

Though Bound Angle Pose and Throne pose are used as similar terms representing the same pose, there is a little variation in the execution of the poses. Let us see this difference while discussing the Advanced Pose considerations.

Yet another name of the pose is Cobbler Pose. This posture got this name because cobblers in India commonly sit either in this posture or in Half Bound Angle Pose while mending the shoes.

When this posture is combined with the up and down movements of knees, it resembles a butterfly in action. So it is called Titali Asana which means Butterfly Pose.

Baddha Konasana Step by Step Procedure

Baddha Konasana Safety and Precautions

People who have the following issues should avoid this posture or consult their health-care service provider.

  • Knee Injury
  • Groin ailments
  • Lower back or disc issues
  • Sciatica (Note: Though it helps in giving relief to sciatica pain, it should be done under competent supervision)

Preparatory Poses

The following postures prepare for the easy mastery of Bound Angle Pose.

Baddha Konasana Steps

Step 1

Sit with your legs stretched out. Keep your torso, neck, and head in a straight line. Breathe slowly.

Step 2

Breathe out. Bend your knees and bring the feet towards your pelvis. Your soles should close together touching each other. Hold them with your hands and bring them more towards the pelvis. Drop your knees to the floor.

Step 3

Ensure that the lower part of your perineum, pelvis, and pubic bones are evenly seated. Keep your torso erect and be in a straight line with your neck and backside your head.

Step 4

Close your eyes or keep eyesight fixed on the tip of the nose. Place your mind in between your eyebrows. Keep the posture for a convenient duration of time.

Common Mistakes

While dropping the knees to the floor, it should be done in a slow phase.

Beginners Tips

Beginners may use a blanket or a cushion to support their sitting. This will help to get the knees to drop easily.

Advanced Pose Considerations

Normally the soles face outside and heels face towards the body. One may bring the soles up facing towards the sky and heels touch the floor. This will look like a throne. That is why it gets the name: Throne Posture.

Follow Up Poses

One should perform any one of the following postures.

Baddha Konasana Variations

There are two important variations of this posture.

  • Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)
  • Tarasana (Star Pose)

Baddha Konasana Benefits

  1. This posture is good for Ladies. It helps in Pregnancy and Childbirth.
  2. Bound Angle Pose is good for menopause-related issues like hot flushes.
  3. It prevents urinary incontinence in women.
  4. This pose tones up the kidney and aids in its function.
  5. It opens up hip joints and groin and hence helps in mastering advanced poses.
  6. Baddha Konasana activates Parasympathetic Nervous System and drives away Stress and Anxiety.
  7. It stretches the muscles of thighs and increases the flexibility of knees, hips, groin, ankles, and feet.
  8. This Pose is good for conditions like Sciatica and lower back pain.
  9. It supports the treatment for High Blood pleasure, Asthma, and infertility.

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