Classic Yoga

The Online Resource of Yoga

Introduction Ashwa Sanchalanasana or Equestrian Pose is one of the poses that constitute the sequence of Surya Namaskar. In the twelve-step Surya Namaskar, Equestrian Pose is the fourth and ninth step. This article discusses the meaning, step-by-step procedure, and its benefits. Ashwa Sanchalanasana Information Pose Name Ashwa Sanchalanasana Sanskrit Name अश्वसंचालनासन IAST aśvasaṃcālanāsana English Name

Introduction Hanumanasana is a modern yoga posture. Medieval yoga texts did not mention or describe this posture. Unlike Anjaneyasana, this one is an advanced yoga pose and we cannot master this practice overnight. Let us have look into its meaning, steps, and benefits. Hanumanasana Information Pose Name Hanumanasana Sanskrit Name हनुमानासन IAST hanumānāsana English Name

Classic Yoga