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Halasana Plough Pose


Halasana is a modern yoga position. It is an inverted yoga pose that belongs to the group of Sarvangasana. Besides, it may also be grouped in forward-bending Yogasanas. Hence it is a counterpose for the most of the back bending yoga postures.

Halasana Information

Pose NameHalasana
Sanskrit Nameहलासन
English NamePlough Pose
OriginModern Yoga Pose
Difficulty LevelIntermeditate
TypeForward Bending Pose
Inverted Pose

Halasana Meaning

The term हलासन (Halasana) is the combination of two Sanskrit words: हला (Hala) and आसन (Asana). Hala means a traditional plow and Asana is a yoga position. This posture in its final position resembles a traditional plow. Hence it gets this name. In English, we may call the Plough Pose.

Halasana Procedure

Safety and Precautions

Performing this posture gives pressure on Cervical Spine which normally does not undergo such pressure. Therefore beginners should take care, otherwise, they may harm their cervical spine.

Likewise, pregnant people should also avoid any forward bending yoga positions like this.

Furthermore, those who are having health conditions like Cervical Spondylitis, hernia, back pain, and other vertebral diseases should also avoid this practice.

Preparatory Poses

Plough Pose is the extension of Sarvangasana. So the mastery of the latter helps the practice of the former. Not only that, one should practice Sarvangasana immediately before Plough Pose.

Moreover, Poorva Halasana or Preliminary Plough Pose is one of the best preparatory poses for Plough Pose.

Halasana Steps

Step 1

Lie on the back with legs close together and arms closer to the body. Place the palms on the floor and take a couple of deep breathes.

Step 2

Raise both the legs up together keeping them straight. Raise the buttock and lower the legs over the head and touch the floor with the toes.

Step 3

Raise the arms and support the back with the palms. Breathe normally. Keep the position as long as it is comfortable.

In one of the variations of this pose, hands are kept on the floor with palms facing the floor.

In yet another variation, arms goes over the head and catch hold of the toes.

Step 4

To release the position, bring back the arms to the floor and raise the legs and lowering the back roll over to the initial position.


For beginners, the duration may be for 30 seconds to a minute. Adepts may extend the time to ten minutes or even more. But they should increase the duration gradually over a period.

Follow Up Poses

After performing this pose, one should perform any one of the following poses as a counterpose.

Halasana Benefits

  • It tones up the digestive system and hence it is good for constipation, and indigestion.
  • Plough Pose helps the internal organs of the stomach to function normally. So it improves the functions of the liver, kidney, pancreas, adrenal, and thereby address the issues.
  • Moreover, It improves the functions of the thyroid and thymus gland and boosts the immune system.
  • Plough Pose is good for menstrual disorders.
  • The abdomen muscles are strengthened.
  • Plough boosts the respiratory system and good for Asthma-like health conditions.

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