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yoga persuasion tips


What are the persuasion tips to convince others to try yoga?

If you’ve been practicing yoga poses for a while, you’re probably enjoying all the benefits it has to offer. Who wouldn’t be excited with more energy, happiness, and a calmer mind? It’s natural to spread your joy and excitement of yoga to your friends and loved ones, and you’re probably considering persuading them to start the practice themselves.

However, persuading someone to try a new hobby with you is not always easy. That’s why it’s important to understand the basics of persuasion to make a more convincing argument.

Though persuasion may bring up negative connotations of manipulation and force, persuasion itself is a neutral term defined as the act of convincing someone to do something. So, though persuasion can sound bad or scary, it is just a way to convince your friends and loved ones to try yoga for themselves.

So if you want to convince your friends or loved ones to try yoga, read the tips below the successfully convince them with the art of persuasion.

Six Persuasion Tips to Convince to Try Yoga

Make Sure They Are Interested

The truth of the matter is that you can’t convince someone to do something if they are not interested. Therefore, if you know your loved one has zero interest in trying yoga, then don’t bother to persuade them otherwise.

No one wants to be pegged or forced into a new activity. Yoga should be fun and enjoyable, not a chore. No matter how excited you are about yoga, don’t force someone to try it.

Provide Personal Experiences

People are more likely to be persuaded when you make your argument personal. Tell them about all the benefits that you have experienced with yoga. Perhaps you have eased your symptoms of a physical condition, or you feel more serene and relaxed. Maybe yoga even made your pregnancy easier. Whatever the benefit, make sure to discuss it, as it will make your argument for yoga far more persuasive.

You can also discuss what you enjoy about the classes you take. For example, maybe the instructor is incredibly supportive and empathetic. Or maybe you have made some great friends and already have wonderful memories of your sessions. Discussing how yoga has changed your life will really make the practice stand out to those you are trying to persuade.

Tailor Your Argument to Their Needs

However, don’t make the whole argument about yourself. The best way to convince someone to try yoga is to explain how it benefits them.

There are many avenues to explore here. Most people enjoy yoga for its calming effects. Both the poses and the meditation practice give a great sense of respite and serenity in a busy, non-stop world. Therefore, you can discuss how yoga can help bring some calm to their overwhelming schedule.

Also, if they are diagnosed with a mental illness, such as depression or anxiety, you can tell them all about how yoga helps ease symptoms of various mental health conditions.

However, be careful when discussing medical topics. Though yoga can be quite beneficial for a variety of health conditions, you should be careful with this subject, especially if you are not a medical professional. If your loved one has a health condition, don’t makeup information about yoga’s benefits. Together, do some research to see if yoga can help them or if it is safe to practice yoga at all.

Address Their Concerns and Misconceptions

Since yoga is a unique form of exercise, many people may have concerns. For example, they may not feel like they are fit enough or have health conditions that may prevent them from practicing yoga safely.

As mentioned before, discuss the topic with a qualified medical professional. Yoga may not be safe for all health conditions, so talking to a doctor before your loved one proceeds are best.

However, some other concerns may include scheduling, the intensity of the exercise, or the social aspect. Use empathy to listen to their concerns and address them appropriately. For example, you can ensure them that you will take them to a class on their schedule (or just have your session at their home) and that the session will only focus on beginner poses.

If they are nervous about looking silly or not being as good as the other classmates, remind them of this philosophy: focus on your own mat. They do not need to worry about what other people are thinking or doing; they just need to focus on their practice.

This is also a great time to address any myths or misconceptions about yoga. Some common misconceptions include that students need to be part of a certain religion or have a certain fitness level. Assure them that yoga is for everyone and that there are plenty of poses for those who aren’t physically active. 

Start Small

If you have convinced them to try yoga out, don’t expect them to come to your lessons every week. You don’t want to overwhelm them when starting this new activity, so you should start small.

For example, you can have a trial session in your own home where it is more comfortable and familiar.

You also don’t want to expect them to do any difficult or advanced poses during their first time. So don’t push them into going to an advanced class with you. Instead, bring them to a beginner session so they can take the time to know the basic poses before committing to the practice.

Give Them Time To Consider

Not everyone is willing to try something new right away, even if they are interested. They may need to figure out how to fit yoga into their schedule or just need some time to think about it.

Give your friends and loved ones some time and space to consider yoga. For some, this can be a big change, so they may need some time to consider joining. Don’t pressure them to make a decision. Give them the time they need and leave it at that.

Final Thoughts

No one can blame you for wanting to spread the word about yoga to everyone you know. Some people will be eager to try it right away; others may be hesitant. When trying to persuade someone, it is important to be understanding and empathetic. Tailor the conversation to their needs and concerns. No matter how excited you are, never force anyone into anything and give them time to warm up to the idea.

Sometimes you will convince someone; other times, you will not succeed. However, with understanding, patience, information, and pure joy, you will inevitably bring more people to the joys of yoga.

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