Kunjal Kriya

Kunjal Kriya | Vamana Dhauti | Steps, Benefits, Precautions

What is Kunjal Kriya or Vamana Dhauti?

Kunjal Kriya, also known as Vamana Dhauti (regurgitative cleansing), is a Dhauti Kriya, the yogic process of cleansing the intestines. Simply put, it is the process of cleansing the intestines by vomiting. Moreover, this technique is used both in Hatha Yoga and Ayurveda.

It is similar to Gajakarni Kriya (Elephant’s Technique) and Vyaghra Kriya (Tiger’s Technique). Yet, there exist some subtle differences among them.

The Sanskrit word Kunjal means ‘sour gruel‘ and Kriya means an action or a technique. We are using saltwater for this technique. Hence this name. In English, we call Saltwater Technique.

According to Ayurveda, this process removes the toxins (Ama) of the upper digestive tract which is the cause of many diseases.

Kunjal Kriya Precautions and Contraindications


People with high blood pressure, cardiac issues, stroke, hernia, peptic ulcer, and diabetics should avoid this practice. Besides, Pregnant ladies should also not perform this practice.

Moreover, people with any health conditions should consult their health care provider before starting the practice.

Kunjal Kriya Dangers and Side Effects

People with high blood pressure, cardiac issues, and kidney issues should be careful about Sodium intake. Hence, the practice may be dangerous to them.

Besides, the practice may aggravate the peptic ulcer. if not rightly practiced.

Meshramkar and Patil (2007) found a case of dental erosion which they attribute to the regular practice of Kunjal Kriya.

The practice should always be performed with a competent supervision.

Important Tips

  1. It should always be practiced in the morning before breakfast on empty stomach.
  2. The frequency of the practice should be at least one week unless instructed by a competent person otherwise.
  3. One should practice, Kunjal Kriya and Jala Neti after the practice of Shanka Prakshalana

How to Do Kunjal Kriya?

Kunjal Kriya Steps

  1. Step 1

    Wash your hands and ensure that your nails are trimmed.

  2. Step 2

    First, take two liters of lukewarm water and add two teaspoons of salt to it.

  3. Step 3

    Stand nearby a Sink.

  4. Step 4

    Then, drink as much salt water as you can. You should do this as quickly as possible. If you take the water slowly, it may get digested before Vomiting takes place.

  5. Step 5

    Lean forward and keep the trunk as horizontal as possible. Open your mouth and insert the middle and index fingers of the right hand towards the root of the tongue. Gently rub and press tongue.

  6. Step 6

    It will make the water gush out from the stomach. Then, take out the fingers for smooth expulsion of water. Once the expulsion stops, repeat the process until the stomach is empty.

What to eat after Kunjal kriya?

The vomiting removes some of the stomach linings. Hence a light meal after thirty minutes may be taken. One should avoid foods that pungent and spicy. Also, avoid food or drinks that are hot in temperature.

Kunjal Kriya Benefits

Benefits of Kunjal Kriya for Weight Loss

A four-week Haha Yoga Practice practice that includes Vamana Dhauti and a high fiber vegetarian diet showed a decrease in body weight and total cholesterol in 38 obese males. (Ganesh Prasad Gupta, Sep 2017).

Kunjal alleviates the Kapha Dosha and increased Medo Dhatu in obese individuals and controls the Obesity. (Mangalagowri Rao, Aug 2013)

Kunjal Kriya and Acid Reflux

The practice removes the burden of acid indigestion without any medicine.

Other Benefits

Imbalance in Tridosha results in diseases. A pre-post control study by Nadi Tarangini found that the practice of Vamana Dhauti reduces the imbalance of Tridosha and makes the person move towards better health.

A study concludes that Voluntarily induced Vomiting enhances the endurance of respiratory muscles and decreases airway resistance. It also helps in the management of bronchitis and bronchial asthma. (Ragavendrasamy Balakrishnan et al, July 2017)