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Write For Us | Health, Fitness, Yoga, Lifestyle

Write for us

Write For Us – Guest Posts

Yes! You can write for us. We accept guest posts on yoga and meditation, We would like your articles to be simple, straight to the point, and relevant to our readers. Once accepted for review, we will work closely with the author for the enhancement to get it published. You may feel free to contact us to decide on the title of the post. The article you submit may be on the following topics.

The above list is indicative only and not exhaustive which means the topic of your articles may be other than these, yet relevant to the readers of this website.

Types Of Posts accepted

We accept only non-commercial guest posts for publication from writers. We do not offer do-follow links. Links should be contextual and No-follow.

You may send the articles in a word file directly to If your article is accepted for publication, you will be informed of the details. However, no communication is entertained before that. If the editorial team finds the article is fit for publication, it will be published. We could not accept articles with links to a page that directly or indirectly promotes a product or service. Also, we could not accept guest posts written for link building.

Article Requirements

Before submitting a guest post, please ensure that the following points are met with.

Editorial Guidelines

Other Guest Post Guidelines

Please avoid any communication before sending your posts.

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