Anjaneyasana is a standing lounge yoga posture. It is very similar to Ardha Chandrasana. Yet there are minor differences. It is a yoga posture of the modern times, though its modified version is used in the sequence of Surya Namaskar. Medieval yoga texts did not mention or describe this yoga pose.
This article is about its meaning, steps, variations, and benefits.
Anjaneyasana Information
Pose Name | Anjaneyasana |
Sanskrit Name | आञ्जनेयासन |
IAST | Āñjaneyāsana |
English Name | Low Lounge Pose |
Origin | Modern |
Difficulty Level | Basic |
Type | Lounge |
Anjaneyasana Meaning

Anjaneya + Asana = Anjaneyasna. Anjaneya means the son of Anjana Devi or simply Anjana. Lord Hanuman is the son of Anjana Devi. Hence the term Anjaneya denotes Lord Hanuman, the Hindu God and companion of Lord Rama. This yoga posture resembles the posture of Lord Anjaneya, hence this name.
I strongly condemn those who are calling this posture or Hanumanasana Monkey Pose. Lord Anjaneya is one of the most respectful deities in the heart of a Hindu and none has the right to hurt his feelings.
In English, this posture is known as Low Lounge Pose.
Anjaneyasana Procedure
Precautions and Contraindications
Persons having health conditions like hernia, lower back pain, knee and disc disorders should avoid this posture. Moreover, this posture is not for pregnant ladies.
Preparatory Poses
Before attempting this posture, it is better to prepare with the practice of the following postures.
Anjaneyasana Steps
Step 1
Assume standing position with feet apart. Take a couple of deep breaths.
Step 2
Stretch the left leg fully back. The part of the left leg from knee to foot should be on the floor. The right foot to the knee should be in a verticle line; whereas the right thigh should be on a horizontal line. The height of the body should be adjusted suitably. The distance between the two legs should be fair enough to avoid any wobbling of the legs. The lesser the gap between the legs more will be the wobbling. This is because the weight of the upper is unevenly distributed.
Step 3
Lift both the arms over the head with palms facing up. The arms should be fully stretched. Stretch the fingers in such a way there is a maximum gap between the fingers.
Step 4
Fix the eyesight on any object in front of you. Breath normally. This is the final position. Be in this position as long as it is comfortable.
Step 5
Release the position. Then repeat the above steps by changing the legs.
This posture can be performed for a duration of around three to five minutes. Beginners may start with a duration of one minute.
Follow Up Poses
Padahastasana is a suitable counterpose for Low Lounge Pose.
Anjaneyasana Variations
In one variation, instead of raising the arms, the palms are placed down on the floor. Sometimes, palms are kept in Anjali Mudra close to the chest.
Anjaneyasana Benefits
The benefits of Low Lounge Pose are:-
- It strengthens the joints of the hip and lower spine. As a result, it prevents back pain. This improves the flexibility of the spine.
- It stretches the muscles of the leg and boosts their core strength.
- This practice tones up the internal organs of the stomach and supports their functions like digestion.
- It helps to activate Muladhara Chakra.