
Muktasana: Meaning, Steps, Benefits


Muktasana is one the seated yoga position for meditation. It is very much similar to Siddhasana.

Unlike Siddhasana, it is a basic level yoga posture. Hence we may call this posture a lighter version of Siddhasana. But it does not mean that it is an inferior one by importance.

It is one of the Top Ten Yoga Postures of ancient times as declared by Hatha Yoga Texts. Moreover, this posture is one of the aids for attaining Liberation.

This yoga pose should not be confused with Pawanmuktasana that belongs to a different category of yoga poses.

Muktasana Information

Pose NameMuktasana
Sanskrit Nameमुक्तासन
IAST Namemuktāsana
English NameLiberation Pose
OriginMedieval Yoga Period
Difficulty LevelBasic
TypeSeated Posture

Muktasana Meaning

The Sanskrit term Mukta means Liberation and Asana means a seated position. Therefore in English, we call it Liberation Pose. The regular practice of this yoga posture leads one to Liberation. That is why this pose gets this name.

How to Do Muktasana?

Muktasana Precautions

When compared to other poses of seated postures of meditation, this one is very easy and less risky. However, persons with issues in their knees, ankles, and hips should perform this posture under competent supervision until they get mastery over this posture.

Preparatory Poses

The following posture may help one preparing for Liberation Pose.

Muktasana Steps

Step 1

Sit in Sukhasana.

Step 2

Bring the left foot closer to the body and press the perineum with your heel. Bring the right foot towards the left foot. Unlike Siddhasana, you may place the right foot on the floor before the left one.

Step 3

Sit erect. Place the palms on the knees in Chin Mudra or Jnana Mudra.

Step 4

Close your eyes or fix your eyesight on any object in front of you. Alternatively, you may fix your eyesight on the tip of the nose. Breathe slowly and deeply.


One may keep himself in the final position for a duration of ten minutes and extend up to three hours.

Advanced Pose Considerations

After getting mastery over this posture, one should go for Siddhasana.

Muktasana Benefits

  • Liberation Pose is very good for meditation and Pranayama. Unlike other poses for meditation which are difficult to get mastery over, this one is very easy to perform.
  • It puts the performer into a deep state of relaxation. Hence this drives away the tension and stress and imparts comfort, focus, and concentration.
  • This posture restricts the blood flow to the legs. As a result of increased blood flow to the abdomen area, the internal organs of the abdomen get nourished. This improves their functions. For example, digestion will get improved.

Muktasana in Yoga Texts

Liberation Pose in Hatha Yoga Pradipika

According to 1.37 of this yoga text, Vajrasana, Muktasana, and Guptasana are the other names of Siddhasana.

Liberation Pose in Gheranda Samhita

Place the left heel at the root of the genitals and the right heel above it. Keep the body, neck, and head in one line. This is Liberation Pose. It gives Siddhi or Psychic Powers.

– Gheranda Samhita 2.11